Today and Everyday: Thank You to Those who Serve

On this solemn anniversary of the September 11th attacks, it is critical that we not only remember the lives we lost on that terrible morning in 2001, but those who answered the call that day – and every day since. 

For myself, and on behalf of the staff of Lapeer Community Schools, I want to express my gratitude to our veterans, past and present, as well as our first responders. On days like today, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifices made by countless brave men and women who have always been at the forefront, ensuring our safety and peace of mind.

On this day, every year, I think of men like my father, who served as a police officer in Detroit and was a veteran of the war in Vietnam. I think of friends and family who have also served in the military here and abroad, and others who have served their communities as police officers, firefighters and EMS.

The impact of the 9/11 attacks struck at the core of who we are as a nation, and revealed to the world the something that we already knew: That there are millions of Americans who stand at the ready to serve and protect.

There’s not a single student in our school district who was alive on that terrible day 22 years ago. Those of us who were here will never forget it. For the sake of our young people, let’s not fail to teach them the lessons we learned that day – stories of heroism, resilience, and patriotism. 

Today, let us pay special tribute to the men and women who run to danger, at great personal risk, so that we can live our lives free of fear. Let us remember the sense of unity and collective grief we shared that day, and let that inspire us to treat everyday like it’s Patriot Day. 

As a community, let’s renew our commitment to not only remember the sacrifices made on our behalf but to celebrate the everyday heroism that makes this a great place to live and raise a family.

Today and every day, we honor those who have given so much. We are eternally grateful.

Matt Wandrie – LCS Superintendent

The Bolt

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